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  • Recycle with Michael!

    Fri 26 Apr 2019

    A message from the PTA:

    Thank you to everyone who filled a Recycle with Michael bag. We had an enormous pile of bags that were collected this morning by The Salvation Army - see the photograph below.

    We will let you know how much was raised as soon as we know!

  • Moveathon for St George’s

    Tue 23 Apr 2019


    Moveathon day for St George's Foundation, Sierra Leone. 


    The first day back to school certainly started with a ‘spring’ in our step! As each class passed the baton on between them to keep moving, there wasn’t a moment of sitting still. The children took part in a wide range of active sport activities, African gum boot dancing as well as learning a whole school dance which the school performed on the playground at 3pm. 

    We were so proud, as always, of our children who embraced the day with such enthusiasm and humility when we discussed why we the day was so important during collective worship. 

    Thank you to all our parents and carers who have raised funds so very generously for the orphanage in Sierra Leone. We will be busy counting up and so far we have raised over £1200!! Well done everyone!

  • Pause Day 2019

    Thu 04 Apr 2019
    What is a ‘Pause Day’?

    Pause Days are an exciting initiative from the Schools department of Guildford Diocese Education Centre. They give schools an opportunity to engage with some high level thinking and reflection during a carefully planned RE day, which also contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. Although there will be some significant links with the Diocesan Guidelines for RE, these Pause Day resources are not intended to replace the statutory RE units, but to provide ‘space’ to enhance and deepen pupils’ understanding.


    The day had been carefully planned to help the children connect with the events of the first Easter through learning experiences. In addition the hall became a 'reflective space' with rich opportunities for the children to reflect and pray both for themselves and others in the community and across the world. In addition there was a clear focus on well-being and allowing time to reflect and 'let go' of worries. 
