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  • Book Fair success!

    Fri 29 Mar 2019
    Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Spring Term School book fair. As a result of your purchases, we took over £500 which will go towards more fabulous books for our classrooms and library! THANK YOU!
  • Fire Service Visit Year 1/2

    Thu 28 Mar 2019

    On Thursday Yr 1/2 were very lucky to have a visit from the Fire Service. We learnt some very important messages about how to keep ourselves safe but also what to do in an emergency. The children learnt two rhymes to help them remember, the first if they here a smoke alarm or see a fire:

    Get out, Stay out, Call 999

    The second to help keep them safe:

    Matches and lighters should never be touched, they can hurt you very much.

    The children found out about the uniform the fire brigade wear and what each part does. A very important message to take away from the session was to teach the children how to call 999 and to learn their own address, so that if an emergency did happen they could gain help.

    A huge thank you to Hampshire Fire and Rescue for the informative and important information.

  • World Book Day at St Mark's!

    Mon 25 Mar 2019

    If you ventured into St Mark’s on Monday, you will have noticed that everyone appeared to be someone else! Yes, it was World Book Day and the children and staff filled the school with many characters from a range of books and brought them to life.


    If you visited the office, you may have been greeted by Professor Umbridge, Wally or Snow white!


    The whole school came dressed as magnificent characters from their favourite stories! 


    We enjoyed an exciting World Book Day assembly, allowing all the children (and staff!) to parade their fantastic characters - from Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka to Peter from the Railway Children and Dorothy from Wizard of Oz!


     We then enjoyed a session looking around the book fair (which will be after school Monday-Thursday this week). The children enjoyed looking round to spot a 'good read'! The afternoon was led by all the staff and the children signed up to stories they wanted to hear read aloud. 


    All classrooms decorated their doors during the day with a book theme -winner to be announced! They were VERY creative. Well done everyone!


    Most importantly, the day allowed the children further opportunities to demonstrate their love for reading and all children were presented with their £1 book token which, of course, you can use at the fair towards a book!


    Click here to see other ways you can use your £1 Book token.

  • Governors Special Award - Spring 2019

    Fri 22 Mar 2019

    On Friday 22nd March 2019 we welcomed Mr Treasure and Cllr Corps, two of our Governors, to our Friday  morning worship, who came to present the Spring term award for the second 'Governor's Special Award' of this academic year.


    This is a highly prestigious award and is presented for demonstrating exceptional effort and always displaying the school CIRCLE values!


    The award was presented to one infant pupil and one junior. Congratulations children - well deserved!

  • Maths with my child afternoon

    Mon 18 Mar 2019
    This afternoon the school hall was filled with excited parents who all arrived to share an afternoon of Maths activities with their children. Mrs Stocchetti delivered a short presentation giving the context of the afternoon and introduced Maths talk to the parents. We then split up into classes and joined the children to spend the rest of the time sharing a range of Maths problem solving activities and games. It was incredible to see so many parents joining us and the feedback was excellent, with many comments about the enjoyment of sharing the activities with the children and allowing them to explain how Maths is taught in school. The children all thoroughly enjoyed having their parents at school and the teachers too said it was a valuable learning opportunity for all involved. We were delighted that three of our Governors also joined us and had some very detailed conversations with the children. Thank you to everyone who made our Maths afternoon a wonderful success!
  • Rock Challenge 2019, Southampton

    Sat 09 Mar 2019

    We are SO proud of all our junior children who were awarded 3rd place after their stunning performance of ‘MV Wellpark to the Rescue!’ - retelling an amazing story of one of the most daring rescue operations of a small wooden boat crammed with hundreds of refugees, including many women and children, fleeing Vietnam’s oppressive communist regime. 


    They also scooped an additional 10 awards for excellence in: 

    Scenery function

    Costume and character

    Use of stage


    Performance skill


    Stage Crew

    Drama skill




    The children competed at the Guildhall, Southampton,against other Hampshire schools in the dance competition, an event which encourages young people to make positive life choices and be their best! 


    The competition improves physical health and also enables young people involved to develop a range of life skills and character traits important for personal development. 


    In addition, the competition improves resilience, confidence-building and understanding of teamwork and builds resilience when faced with challenges later in life.


    A huge thank you to Hannah, our choreographer from Gremlin Dance, ALL the staff, Governor volunteers, parents, community volunteers, community sponsors (Farnborough Rotary & RM Carpets) and national sponsor (Gewiss UK Ltd) for making this event so successful- we couldn’t have done it without you!  


    But our final thanks goes to our fabulous children for their hard work and dedication over the last few months. Well done! 


    See the Rock Challenge UK Twitter feed.

  • Junior Cooking Day

    Fri 08 Mar 2019

    While the other Juniors were at Rock Challenge, the remaining Juniors were invited to a "Cook your own lunch Party"! We spent the day learning how to prepare many different ingredients, including cutting, grating, weighing, using the electric mixer and more more! The children showed great enthusiasm for all the food and it was a wonderful opportunity for them to try new things. They designed their own mini pizza toppings which ranged from ham and sweetcorn to mushrooms and peppers to the traditional cheese and tomato! Other children designed a pasta salad which included plenty of cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce as well as ham or cheese. The children also laid the table with a table cloth and napkins, so we could all eat together and enjoy the food they had spent time preparing. 

    Friday is our weekly Tea-Set day and this gave us the prefect opportunity to learn how to make cakes! We learnt how to make fairy cakes and chocolate crispy crunchies. The infants were delighted with our efforts and it was lovely to be able to share our cooking with them. 

    Well done Juniors you were a delight to spend the day with and have learnt some valuable life skills!
