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Carol Service 2019

It was wonderful to see so many families at the church on Wednesday for our carol service; it was a wonderful way to welcome in the Christmas season with family and friends.


The Juniors sang beautifully and shared some important readings which reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas. Year 1 and 2 made up a perfectly simple and effective tableau to give a visual image of the Christmas story as it unfolded. I hope it left everyone with some wonderful memories.


A big thank you to Father Ian and all of the school staff, and to all those who gave generously at the end of the service- you raised over £100 for the church.


I know that all the staff left with a lovely fuzzy feeling; the one you get when you feel proud and have a special shared experience that sums up the community spirit of the school.


Well done again to all of the readers, soloists and children from Year 1 and 2. It was a wonderful way to spend an evening.
