We are proud to be a church school.
To view the St Mark's Church website click here - http://www.stmarksfarnborough.co.uk/
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Worship at St Mark's School 2024-2025
As the new academic year starts in 2024, we are excited to begin school collective worship and to include worship in church. These are precious moments together as a school community. We hold whole school collective worship, key stage worship and class reflections with teachers and know that all styles of worship presents opportunities for pupils and staff to get to know one another in new ways.
Autumn Term 2024: The Topsy-Turvy, ‘How-to-Be’-at(t)itudes
This term, we are reflecting on some of Jesus’ words in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’, containing the statements known as the ‘Beatitudes’ which set out the topsy-turvy manifesto of God’s Kingdom. We reflect on how these ideas might help to shape our school community life in the way that we try to treat each other. The ‘how-to-be-at(t)itudes’ also line up with significant calendar events in this term, such as Harvest and Remembrance, and even towards Christmas, when we will celebrate the topsy-turviness of the story of how God came to earth as a tiny baby through some prophecies, including Mary’s own song of worship on hearing the news from Angel Gabriel.
Psalms: ‘Songs from the heart’
At the beginning of a new term and a brand new year, we begin a new series of themes, reflecting on the life and writings of King David, who contributed much of the content of the book of Psalms in the Bible. We are using the title ‘Songs from the heart’, because this is exactly what the Psalms were: heartfelt expressions of joy, sadness, frustration, hope and longing, giving voice to experiences and emotions that pupils of all faiths and none can relate to. Because Easter Day is just before the start of the Summer term, we will be marking Resurrection Day on the first day of the summer term, so are deliberately leaving the term on a cliffhanger!
Our Services 2021-2022
Our Services 2020-2021
Our Church Services 2019-2020