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"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6





Worship at St Mark's School 2023-2024

As the new academic year starts in 2023, we are excited to begin school collective worship and to include worship in church. These are precious moments together as a school community. We hold whole school collective worship, key stage worship and class reflections with teachers and know that all styles of worship presents opportunities for pupils and staff to get to know one another in new ways. 


Autumn Term 2023 | Moses – ‘Are we nearly there yet?!!!’

This term, we are reflecting on the story of Moses and journeying with him as he leads God’s people from Egypt and to the Promised Land. At the beginning of a new school year, it is always good to be back together as a community, and so we are using the story of Moses to help us to reflect on some important ideas from this story about being community together and about God, who looked after them. These stories can be found in the Bible, the Torah and the Qur’an, recognising Moses as a prophet and leader in all three of these Abrahamic traditions: these stories often generate some challenging questions about judgement and justice so in our collective worship we choose to emphasise the positive messages and outcomes e.g. God seeing and responding to the cruel treatment of the people, and being with his people.


Spring Term 2024 "Wise Words"

We gather as a community for collective worship that is inspiring, invitational and inclusive, reflecting the fact that we are a part of a diverse school family and the wider church community. This term, we begin a series of themes based on wise words – all of them from the Bible, all of them ancient advice about how to live, but in our modern world, they often sound surprisingly up to date! We link this ancient wisdom to stories from across the world and across cultures in the first half of the term, and then after half term, connect into the life and stories of Jesus in the weeks leading up to Easter. 


Summer 2024 - Going for Gold

We gather as a community for collective worship that is inspiring, invitational and inclusive, reflecting the fact that we are a part of a diverse school family and the wider church community. This term, we are warming up for the Summer Olympics by going back in time and revisiting some Olympic and Paralympic Games from the past. We will share inspirational stories which reflect the six Olympic and Paralypmic values of Determination, Excellence, Inspiration, Courage, Friendship and Equality and use them to help us to think about what we can learn from them. We will link many of these stories to words from the Bible, words from the founder of the ‘modern’ Olympics (Baron de Coubertin) & quotes from athletes themselves, using them to help us think what we can learn about how to live well together and to give our best.

Our Services 2023-2024

Our Services 2022-23

Our Services 2021-2022

Our Services 2020-2021


Our Church Services 2019-2020

Our Church Services 2018-2019

Our Church Services 2017-2018

The Triangle Christian Bookshop and Cafe
The Triangle is a café and Christian bookshop in Farnborough Hampshire. Their aim is to be a Christian witness in the local community, and to provide resources to churches, schools and individuals. They sell Bibles, books, Third World gifts, cards, candles, jewellery, Fairtrade food and gifts, music, videos, children's goods and bible study material.