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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


For further information about Pupil Premium please click here. 


Information Regarding the Allocation of Pupil Premium and the Progress of Tracked Pupils


The pupil premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. Children who are entitled to this pupil premium grant are those who have free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces. In addition, children who have received free school meals any time in the last six years will also gain funding, as will children whose parents have been in the armed forces within the last six years.


All schools have to provide a Pupil Premium plan each year and upload this to their website. At St Mark’s this plan is bespoke to our pupils, to our context and to the strength we have as a team so that our children flourish. 


Due to our very small numbers we need to respect children’s privacy and protect their identity. Therefore we do not give all strategy details on our website. We do, however, review every child and our provision every term with the class teacher, SENCo and senior leadership team. This is also reported to Governors.


Pupil Premium Strategy Document


The school is allocated £16,840 of the Government Pupil Premium grant in this financial year 2024/25. This funding will provide support, equality of access to all educational opportunities, for pupils who are at risk of not making expected progress. This year the allocation is available to spend on the following:


  • Providing 1:1 and small group literacy & numeracy interventions & resources
  • Providing 1:1 homework support
  • Providing 1:1 emotional literacy support
  • Financial support for educational visits
  • Financial support for residential visits
  • Resources to support learning
  • Resources to support sensory and emotional needs
  • Training for staff to ensure assessments are interpreted and administered correctly
  • Staffing and resourcing a lunchtime nurture club


It is also recognised that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered to qualify for a Pupil Premium grant. The Headteacher and Governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium to support other pupils the school has legitimately recognised as being socially disadvantaged. 


Pupil Premium Champion: Mrs Rachel Jones (Deputy Headteacher)

Nominated Governor: Michael Hartley


The measurement of the progress of children entitled to Pupil Premium can be seen as statistically indicative of the success a school has, in particular as a result of targeting funding at particular groups of pupils, in ensuring expected, or above expected progress for those potentially at risk of underachieving.  We track the progress of our children as part of our Pupil Progress meetings.  We hold termly meetings with teachers in class to discuss the progress of each child in reading, writing and mathematics and then plan to ensure all children are making at least good progress and/or achieving age related expectations at the end of the year.


Many of our pupils are at or above Age Related Expectations.  If this is the case we ensure that these pupils have opportunities to take part in our wider curriculum.


The anonymised achievement of this group of children at the end of July cannot be shown, due to the very small number of children involved.


Pupil Premium Report 2023-2024
