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When your child is unwell it can be hard deciding whether to keep them off school. Not every illness will prevent a child from attending school. For guidance around whether your child should go to school you may find it helpful to visit the NHS Choices page
Please report your child’s absence for illness through Studybuds. Remember you can always call the school office if necessary, who would be happy to talk to you and you should always let us know (via Studybugs or phone) if your child is likely to be absent and the likely duration.



School Nurse


The School Nursing service works in partnership with children, young people and their families to ensure that children's health needs are supported within their school and  their community. To find out further information  about school nursing please click here.


Request for Absence


It is the parents’ legal duty to ensure their child attends school regularly. Since September 2013 headteachers have only been able to grant a leave of absence for exceptional circumstances.  A family holiday or travelling abroad is not considered to be an exceptional reason. If you wish to request an absence from school due to exceptional circumstances please contact the school office.


Please see below for attendance guidance and information on Fixed Penalty Notices.


Please click here for HCC guidance on possible penalties for non-attendance



Good School Attendance Guide

Information on Fixed Penalty Notices
