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Welcome from the Headteacher


Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I warmly welcome you to St Mark’s Church of England Primary School. We are a welcoming, family school with a strong Christian ethos, a sense of community and a commitment to excellence for all children in our care. 


Within the context of Christian belief and practice, you will be aware of the core values that our school has developed, which will continue to underpin all the work we do. These values will have a huge impact as your child develops. They help to deepen your child’s positive values and in doing so, help them consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities from which they are part and the wider world.


With these values at the forefront, we understand the importance of the children attending our church services throughout the year that endorse our special relationship with St Mark’s Church and the church community.


Family and community are extremely important to me. If you wish to discuss any aspect of school life, I am always willing to meet so please come into school or call to find a mutually convenient time.


We are very proud of our unique school and I hope that through this website, you get a taste of what we offer and how we work. Whether you are a parent, a pupil or a friend of the school, I hope you enjoy finding out about St Mark’s.


Miss Vicky Ellis




"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

In a recent Pupil Questionnaire, the children were asked to describe our school in one word. Here's what the children think of St Mark's - as a staff we completely agree!
