What is a Parent Forum?
The Parent Forum is an opportunity for groups of parent representatives to meet to discuss school-related issues. Regular, open communication and consultation with parents is really important to the school. The Parent Forum provides a valuable way to listen to your ideas and concerns and seek your views, helping to make sure the needs of children and their families are met.
Meetings are led by senior school staff and, on occasions, governors. Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion. All parents are invited to the Parent Forums and parents are given opportunities to suggest agenda items in advance of the Parent Forum meeting.
Sharing the information
Following a Parent Forum meeting the minutes will be produced and published on the school website.
If you have any topics you feel you would like put forward for discussion, please email them to adminoffice@st-marks.hants.sch.uk with the words Parent Forum Topic in the header.
Parent Forum Rules
In order for Parent Forum meetings to be effective and gain positive outcomes for the children of St Mark's CE Primary School, a set of Parent Forum rules have been established. Please see below: