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Summer 2 - Changing the Guard

Changing the Guard

Understanding the World - Literacy - Expressive Art and Design

Interdependence - Creativity


Rationale: The children are inspired by a letter they receive to create mini London exhibits. They will start by learning about Changing the Guard and will explore objects linked to this. They will also learn about the Royal Family, (both past and present), experiment to create royal portraits and look at key London buildings. The children will discuss similarities and differences between the past and now. Finally they will bring all their knowledge together to make exciting mini exhibits about London and share them.


Hook: A letter arrives from the Museum of London. They are asked to create a mini London exhibit that will teach the older children about London.

A letter arrived for us in the post! We have been asked to create mini London exhibits.

Changing the Guard

We learnt about changing the guard and watched videos. We then wrote a fact about the ceremony.

We drew pictures of the guards.

Mrs Woolley visited and showed us Mr Woolley's uniform and instruments.

Royal Family

We read facts about the Royal Family and worked out who's who. We looked at royal portraits before trying to paint our own.

We wrote facts about the Royal Family.

London Landmarks

We focused on 7 London landmarks that were built at different times. We thought about what they were made of and how this has changed over time. We wrote a fact about one of the landmarks.

We chose our own materials to make models of the landmarks. We made Buckingham Palace,

The Elizabeth Tower,

London Eye,

and Tower Bridge.

We drew the London skyline, focusing on the 7 landmarks.

Some of our friends made an underground train.

Home learning

In our home learning, we made a London landmark that was different to the ones we studied at school.
