Who's Afraid of the Dark?
6 weeks
Science, English, DT
Thinking and Creativity
In response to a video message from the King in the book ‘The King Who Banned the Dark’, children will decide to design and make a tool for the King to help him at night so he is never in complete darkness. This will lead us to exploring the features of ‘light’ ‘dark’ and ‘shadows’ as we become scientists to properly help the King to understand there is nothing to be afraid of.
In English, we will study the main text, exploring the features of a story and also why the King might be afraid of the dark. Through this, we will explore themes of power and democracy eventually leading us to write our own stories with a similar theme. After this, we will write poetry to show how beautiful the night and dark can be. Alongside all of this, the children will be designing a light tool to solve the King’s problem which will be presented to him at the end of the project.