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Where's my lunch? Aut 2 2024

Where's my lunch?

Autumn 2  2024





After sharing the story of the Light House Keepers Lunch and reading Mrs Grinling’s plea, the children will be inspired to help solve the problem of Mr Grinling’s rather unhealthy packed lunch. They will investigate and evaluate ready-made lunch options, look at the eat well plate and explore what makes a balanced diet. Time will be spent designing a healthier packed lunch for Mr Grinling. The children will look in detail at the story and write their own versions. They will write instructions for making the items to include in the packed lunch and a letter to Mrs Grinling explaining their choices. Whilst looking at the story the children will realise that Mr Grinling spends a great deal of time alone in his lighthouse and exercise will also help him to have a healthy lifestyle. Whilst finding out about our bodies and how exercise affects them, they will learn sea shanties with actions and movements to share with Mr Grinling.


A story brought to life – the children enter the classroom to find a large seemingly empty picnic basket and a note from Mrs Grinling saying “I am worried about Mr Grinling’s health, he eats all the wrong food and sits in his lighthouse all day long, please help me to make him a healthy packed lunch and get him moving” Share the story and find out why we think Mr Grinling’s packed lunch isn’t a balanced meal and why he isn’t moving enough. Can we help him?

We discovered that Mrs Grinling had sent some of her delicious biscuits as a thank you for helping her!

Retelling the story of "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch" using puppets.

Using conjunctions to extend our sentences!

We visited the local Co-op store to evaluate ready made packed lunch options for Mr Grinling!

Taste testing ready made packed lunch options! After our trip to the Coop we decided that as designers we needed to evaluate an existing product. We bought a selection of sandwiches and tasted them, giving them a star rating for appearance, smell and taste.
