Our curriculum pages offer lots of information about our curriculum. If you want to know more about specific areas of learning please contact your child's class teacher or contact the school office and we will be happy to help.
Integrated Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed to put all learning into an engaging and purposeful learning experience. Projects start with an exciting 'hook' and end with an 'outcome'. A variety of exciting and inspiring themes have been chosen for each year group, linking subjects together, making learning more meaningful. Due to our mixed year group classes, our Curriculum is taught over a two year rolling programme (except for Year R), which ensures that all components of the National curriculum are taught within each Key stage as well the Early Years Curriculum. Our unique Integrated Projects ensure that children learn through a practical and engaging curriculum, enabling them to develop problem solving skills, real world applications and an appreciation of the wonder of our world. This all adds to the learning process; making it a more comprehensive way of teaching and learning. All Integrated Projects are underpinned by our school Learning Values.
It is important to highlight that the following subjects are integrated into Projects: English, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology.
The following subjects are non integrated and taught discreetly: Maths, Phonics, Reading Skills, PSHE, RSE, Religious Education, Computing, Music, Spanish and Physical Education.
Click on the link below to find our long term curriculum map. This shows the subjects covered in each project and class over the course of our two year cycle
Take a look at the ‘class pages’ to see our Integrated Curriculum in action!