Our Promise
Science English Geography
Thinking Spirituality
3-4 hear a variety of different sounds which conjure up fabulous images of nature: paradise beaches, lush rainforests and fascinating woodland. They then see pictures of the areas being polluted and destroyed by plastic waste and deforestation. In response to discussing what they can see and how it makes them feel, we will embark on a promise to learn about how to protect our world. Throughout the project, the children will learn all about plants and how to care for them; they will explore rainforests, their climate and environmental issues effecting them in Geography and in English they will write an informative narrative using Nicola Davies' The Promise to inspire them. We will then host a garden party, where we will share our learning and our promise with our families.
Things to do at home linked with our project
Here are some great places to visit that link with our project!
During the school holidays, any local Squires garden centres do some great activities for children which usually involve plants!