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Once Upon a Whoops! Summer 2

Once Upon a Whoops!

Summer 2 2024

Design and Technology, English and Art

(Science and History)

Thinking and Interdependence


After receiving Humpty Dumpty’s letter and request the children will set about designing Humpty Dumpty a new ambulance investigating wheels and axles. As artists they will learn to weave and create a blanket to keep Humpty Dumpty warm.  They will explore the characters in the story and learn the associated nursery rhymes, performing them from memory. They will look at writing their own version of a nursery rhyme and explore a different version of a traditional tale (little red riding hood), writing it for Humpty Dumpty to read.



Share the story of “Think Big” and a letter from Humpty Dumpty saying that his ride in the ambulance was very uncomfortable and cold. He is very bored in hospital and really needs something entertaining to read and listen to. Can we help?

First we explored different types of ambulances. Did you know the first ambulances were carts pulled by horses or even pushed by hand? We designed our own ambulances looking in detail at the axles, wheels and chassises. Then we made mock ups using construction equipment!

We sorted nursery rhymes into different groups and had fun reading them aloud!

In our Art lessons we have been learning to weave. We have explored weaving with paper, natural objects and fabric. Now we can decide which one is best to use to make Humpty Dumpty a blanket

We have begun making our ambulances. First we built a chassis and added two axles with wheels. We learnt how to use a saw safely to cut the dowelling rods. Then we set about using our design to make the main body of the vehicle.

Our finished ambulances!

After trying out different types of weaving, we decided that fabric would make the best blanket for Humpty Dumpty. We added some backing and trimmed the edges too! Humpty Dumpty will be nice and warm in his bed now!
