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Queen's 90th Celebration Tea Party

On Friday 10th June we were blessed with glorious weather which enabled us to enjoy a celebration tea party in honour of Her Majesty the Queen's 90th Birthday. The afternoon was opened by all standing to sing the National Anthem, led by Mr Hayman's singing group, followed by a welcome speech from Madam Mayor, Cllr Jacqui Vosper.


To prepare for this event the children participated in a whole 'bake-a thon' the day before and baked 180 scones!


Parents, Governors, families, staff and children all joined together to enjoy cucumber sandwiches, strawberries, scones and cakes. These were enjoyed with squash for the children and a lovely cup of tea for the adults!


As always there was a true community spirit throughout the whole afternoon displayed through the generosity of parents, governors and families helping to clear away together.


Happy 90th Birthday your Majesty!


