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Home Sweet Home Spring 1 2025

Home Sweet Home

Spring 1 2025

Integrated Project Emerald Class Year 1 and 2

Science, English and Geography

Thinking and Creativity

DT and History



After sharing the book “A place called Home” and investigating the photographs on the world map, the children are inspired to become explorers and use their scientific knowledge to find out about materials used to build houses in different parts of the world. They will travel to different countries exploring the properties and characteristics of materials, they will carry out investigations and record their findings for each science investigation.  Using an explorers journal in the form of a diary, they will record what they discovered as they travel to each new location. Building on their geographical knowledge, we will look at the continents and oceans they visit, the climates and weather in different parts of the world and draw conclusions about why homes are built in a particular style. The children will think about what makes a home for different people, the environment, their needs and the materials that are available. Looking at the fictional story “Mrs Mole, I’m home”, the children will write their own narrative of Mr Mole’s journey home. We will share our journals and science investigations with Y3/4 showing what we have discovered.


The children will share the book “A place called home” and look at a series of photographs placed on a large map of the world. What do these photos show? How are they the same or different to the pictures in the book? Establish that the photos are of homes/houses from different parts of the world. Why do you think they are all different? Look at the location. Why could you not build an igloo in Africa? Tell the children that we are going to become explorers and travel the world, using our scientific knowledge to look at the different materials and how they are used.
