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Snuggle Up Autumn 2 2023


Rationale: The children will arrive in the classroom after break to discover that it has turned into a reading haven; from this the children will be inspired to create their own ‘snuggle up’ evening for their parents. Throughout the project, the children will explore the art of story writing inspired by the wordless picture book ‘Journey’. They will then explore poetry and learn a poem to perform at their ‘snuggle up’ evening. As we are heading towards Christmas, the children will think about a product to make for the ultimate snuggle up evening: Christmas Eve! We will design and make our own Christmas stockings exploring textiles through an art and design.

Home learning Autumn 2 2023

The book we will be using as a stimulus for our writing will be Journey by Aaron Becker.

During our first week of learning to be author's we explored how to describe the beautiful forest setting in the story, we also used our inference skills to think about how the girl in the story was feeling and imagined what she might be saying to her family...

For our ultimate snuggle up evening, we will be making Christmas stockings. This week, we looked at a variety of Christmas stockings and evaluated them based on whether they were functional and visually appealing

We were learning to join two pieces of fabric. We explored: running stitch, back stitch, over stitch and a zig zag stitch

Ahead of writing our sequels to Journey, we have been learning about how to make our writing entertaining and engaging to read.

This week we have been focusing on what make a Christmas stocking visually pleasing. We evaluated some stockings focusing on this and then looked at some techniques that made them visually appealing: applique, embroidery, embellishments and choice of material.

We created a DESIGN CRITERIA and then used this to design our stockings...

Our finished stockings

Once we had finished our stockings, it was important to evaluate them and see whether they met the design criteria
