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At St Mark’s, we believe that Music should be an enjoyable and immersive experience for all. We aim to provide the children with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and achieve in Music.   



The music curriculum at St Mark’s ensures children take part in a range of musical activities, including singing, playing instruments and listening to and appraising a variety of music from all around the world and from different time periods.   

Music lessons are planned following the Charanga scheme, this ensures there is a clear sequence of learning. Pupils are given opportunities to explore skills and knowledge of rhythm, pitch, tempo, composition and improvisation through practical experiences of singing and playing a variety of instruments.   


Whole school and group singing is an integral part of the St Mark’s school community and curriculum. Collective Worship provides pupils with opportunities to sing as a whole school community and opportunities to perform to the wider audience are provided through whole school events, such as the nativity, Carols Round the Campfire, end of Key Stage Productions and our Harvest Festival. Our school choir is inclusive and provides a space for all pupils to sing and practice for performances to the wider community.  


The music curriculum at St Mark’s has been planned to also provide opportunities for pupils to demonstrate and develop their school Circle and Learning Values of; Community, Challenge, Creativity, Spirituality and Interdependence.   

Learning is enriched through trips to see and hear professional musicians perform at concerts and live music events. These opportunities enhance the curriculum and inspire pupils to aim high.   
